Endometriosis impacts 1 in 7 people assigned female at birth
We’re glad you’ve found us. We understand endometriosis, we’re living with it too.
We are the link between patients, their partners, clinicians, surgeons and their employers.
Endometriosis is an inflammatory, chronic illness in which tissue that is similar to the lining of the womb grows outside it in other parts of the body.
Essentially, it’s a chewing gum-like tissue that can stick organs together and to other parts of the body. It can be serious; causing organ dysfunction, fertility challenges and fused organs. It can cause a myriad of distressing symptoms like intense pelvic, leg and back pain, chronic fatigue, stiff joints, ongoing nausea, sickness and mobility issues.
Living with Endometriosis takes a toll on a person’s mental wellbeing too.
It can take 7-11 years to diagnose, often longer. It can be a very long and lonely road, being disbelieved, constantly having to cancel social plans, affecting relationships and interfering with work commitments - endo can get its teeth into every part of your life.
But the good news is, there are ways to manage it. There are ways to start living your life to the fullest, and frendo wants to help you do that.