Karen’s Story
My name is Karen. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 endometriosis in 2018. My husband and I were trying for a baby for just over a year with no luck when we decided to get some routine tests done. I got a full blood screen and a pelvic ultrasound. The ultrasound showed up what was believed to be an ovarian cyst which I was told would go away by itself. Thankfully I have good health insurance so was able to go private and get a second opinion from an OBGYN.
During my first consultation I had an internal scan and diagnosed me with Stage 3 Endometriosis. I was totally shocked as I thought I had no other symptoms other than infertility. Although when I was in my teens I would get horrendous pain during my period and bleed heavily. The pain was so bad that I would vomit and miss days of school, Neurofen plus every 4 hours was my only way of getting through the day. I was brought to a GP by my mum and they suggested that I go on the pill to manage the pain. I was also sent for an ultrasound which didn’t pick up any abnormalities. It seemed at the time that it was just a case of painful periods and that it was “normal”.
It was 20 years later until my endo diagnosis.I had laparoscopic surgery to remove…