When you’re dealing with chronic illness, life can be overwhelming.

We’re glad you’ve found us. We understand endometriosis and chronic pain. We are here to support you with the right information, resources and tools so you can get back to feeling like you again. 

Whether you’re trying to make sense of symptoms or want to manage your pain and endometriosis - we’ve got you.

We know chronic pain can be isolating, so we are here to hold your hand. From hospital beds to office desks, frendo is here to meet you at each stage of your journey. We are a platform designed by, and for people living with endometriosis.

Endometriosis is much more than a painful period…

Have you ever tried to explain endometriosis or your pain to friends, family, a workmate or a partner? It is difficult for someone who isn’t living with the myriad of symptoms, mostly invisible, to understand how it impacts every part of our lives.

That is why frendo is here to educate and empower those living with endo, and their loved ones too.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital


Enterprise Ireland



Endo Ireland

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital • Indeed • Enterprise Ireland • Salesforce • Slack • Endo Ireland •

frendo is your community, social network, health tracker and insight tool, all in one app.

We are here to help you through diagnosis, fertility and disease management with credible information and support so you do not feel alone on the path to a healthier life.

  • “Thank you for creating a space where I can learn from, communicate to others and get my health on the right track after all these years. frendo has given me confidence and courage to move forward.”

    Nicki, Frendo User

  • I like how user friendly the welcoming is. As well as being able to read articles that put my mind at ease about my severe symptoms. I also really how detailed and customised the tracker is because it makes it so much easier to discuss my history with my health practitioner while just looking at the app! Overall it's been really helpful especially the tracker.

    Iqra, Frendo User

  • I am so happy to have this community where we can share, connect, and support each other.

    Alli, Frendo User

  • I would have found a service like frendo invaluable to not feel on my own or that I was making it all up somehow. A supportive comunity is an incredible asset to have to hear from others that the symptoms are real, painful and exhausting but you are not alone.

    Maeve, Frendo User

frendo@work is the
first of its kind
workplace program.

Our digital whole-company solution supports both employers and employees to a stigma free work environment when everyone can thrive. We empower business leaders with the confidence and competence needed to effectively support employees affected by endometriosis and pain.

From line manager training to company-wide engagement strategies, we believe in order to create lasting health equity, everyone must be part of the chronic illness conversation.


As Seen In

Your Stories

Find some of our wonderful community, or frendos as we like to say, who have shared how they are living with endometriosis.


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